Takt Planning FAQ - inTakt's Answers
Find solutions to common construction takt planning questions with inTakt's Frequently Asked Questions guide.
What is lean construction?
Lean construction is a people-based philosophy that looks to minimize weaknesses and maximize strengths. The term ‘lean construction’ is really a variable and overarching methodology that encompasses many different approaches and tools. Lean construction aims to reduce inefficiencies in cost, time, effort, and materials. A more sustainable business model is the end goal. This is done by improving problem-solving, measuring success, and acting to eradicate issues.
What is Takt planning?
Takt time is the maximum amount of time allowed to meet client demand. Takt time planning is a method for work structuring around a set pace. The outcome of Takt planning is to develop a strategic plan that balances flow in each zone of work.
What is inTakt?
inTakt is a Takt planning software of intuitive design for all invested parties to follow optimized plans with visual processes.
Who is inTakt meant for?
Simply put, it is for everyone! inTakt was designed with simplicity in mind, so that technology does not limit ease of accessibility to the end users. Many times in construction software, companies create feature-rich tools that are complicated and frankly unusable for the average person. At inTakt we are looking to change that status quo. By creating this easy-to-use platform, our end users have a simplified, unlimited ability to Takt plan.
What kind of projects is inTakt used on?
At inTakt we believe that Takt planning can be used on all projects. Although it is easy to see the repetition in typical hotels or office buildings, Takt can also be successful on other projects. The highest amount of efficiency gains will be made if you can find a flow in a non-typical area.
Where do you start?
At the beginning…jk :) within the takt settings, first define each zone in your project. Check out this video for more info!
Why is zone definition important?
Zone definition is important because this is the foundation for your Takt plan. How you split up your project into zones will determine the success of your Takt time.
What is a zone map?
The inTakt zone map is an innovative and custom visual tool that highlights zones of the project with a timescale that shows specific tasks in each zone at a particular time.
How do you tie a zone map to a specific task?
By the magic of the inTakt software…this is done for you automatically based upon your Takt settings, zones, and tasks.
What happens if you have a situation arise with breakdown of equipment, etc.?
If you've built your Takt plan correctly, then you have built buffer time into the schedule. This allows the team to utilize buffers in the event of delays or unforeseen conditions and allows the project to maintain a consistent overall completion date.
Does Takt planning really make that much of a difference?
Yes! But if you don’t believe me, try it on your next project to see for yourself ;)